
Friday, 10 October 2008

XP trick: Change your desktop background automatically with time.

This is a cool Windows XP trick by which you can make your desktop background a moving one. That means your computer’s desktop background can be continuously change as you desire. In order to do it just follow the steps mentioned below.
1. Open Windows movie maker.
2. Import the pictures to movie maker. So click ‘import pictures’. Then select some pictures in your computer and import it.
3. Now the selected photos will be there in clipboard. Drag these photos to time line and paste it there. Now you have made a video using those photos.
4. Now click ‘save to my computer’ and save the video you made.
5. Now you can close Windows movie maker and convert the video into ‘gif format’. In order to convert your video into ‘gif format’, log on to Then click ‘convert video to gif’. Then scroll down new window and click ‘browse’ button and select your video saved early. Then wait a little and conversion process will be over. Now you can see your video at the lower part of the site and by selecting your video press right button of the mouse and choose ‘save as’.
6. Now go to the folder where you saved video in ‘gif format’, then set it as desktop background.
Now you can view that your desktop background is changing with time. Now you can try this XP trick in your computer. If it is not working, please write what’s the problem in commends and I will try to solve it.


Anonymous said...

i can't convert it in gif formate because your given site is not wirking